Access To The Dream

Every night in the evening when the sun goes down and the moon comes ... Sleep everyone but one person is the person that builds ambition and thinking about his future and how Sinmah and build it and what are the consequences that offset what are the solutions that will make it superior to these consequences ... This person often is a person who wanted to do something special in his life but failed or the circumstances and the surrounding environment not supported and assisted in order to succeed and be able to achieve his dreams .... The imagination plays a big role in achieving our dreams and goals ... It Kalprova that experienced by the man and where everything is and what will happen and what are the results and what are the goals Alla will make him happy and successful in life ... Many people fail in their real lives, such as failing to build a strong personal or shyness and inability to cope with things and bear the consequences ... But the same person in his imagination as possible to be brave invincible hero from any one ... Imagination and dreams and build the future in your imagination first, something beautiful .. You'll see everything ... Success and failure, its goals and its failure and how to face these problems .... My advice to you, my friends Imagine Ahelmoa the beautiful the dreams that Stsaadkm of a strong motivation to be converted from the imagination and dream into reality and clear in bright sunlight At this moment will be a hero ... All the people you'll see how the extraordinary strength and success ... The end ...
Dream Imagine then achieved

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Signed: Mamdouh Shaban


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